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4Eye activation

Activation OPP-C60

To activate your OPP-C60, you need activation codes due to PCI regulations. You can request these here.

Did you already know? 4 Eye activation of your unattended terminals (OPP-C60 with SCR-C) via MyCCV

Within the MyCCV environment, 4 Eye activation is available to you (if activated) under the Apps section.

This enables you as a company to carry out 4 Eye activations for unattended terminals (OPP-C60) yourself in the field with your technicians/service providers.

Activation via the CCV technical hotline is therefore no longer necessary.

If you have any questions on this topic, or if you wish to activate the function, please contact our technical hotline

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CCV download bar

Data sheets, forms for sending in terminals, instructions and manuals can be found in our CCV download bar.

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